

About forty years ago, IBSA’s Founder and President Arturo Licenziati outlined a growth path in stages that led to the building of a multinational company which is firm in its values and sensitive to both environment and society. Over time, this idea thrived and originated the IBSA symbol – CLOSE TO YOU – with the aim of responding to the challenges of the future through a strategy focused not only the environmental, but also the social and economic impact of corporate activities.

Sustainability Manifesto

With its four-leaf clover symbol and its Sustainability Manifesto, IBSA confirms its founding values – which are in perfect harmony with the ESG goals – while strengthening its commitment to the well-being of people, the environment and the community.

Sustainabiliy Report

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The new ESG@IBSA strategy supports and embraces our vision: Innovate our Business, always ensuring the best care for a healthier life in a beautiful and clean environment, within a more equitable and inclusive society. In making our choices, we take into strong consideration the needs of future generations, by virtue of the ethical and responsibility principles that distinguish us.



#IBSA2030. Your Future, Our Mission was created with the aim of exhaustively examining the actions and tools implemented by IBSA in relation to the 8 objectives selected out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN in their 2030 Agenda, in order to contribute to global development, promote human well-being and protect the environment.