“Small companies can survive only if they are smart, that is, if they manage to solve problems that for their larger counterparts are often insignificant. And the only way to get there is research, which must be targeted on the users’ needs. We cannot compete with the giants. What we can do is to turn to compounds whose basic actions are already known and identify indications that are not used or exploited, optimising resources for research. We understand what are the needs of the doctor and the patient, and we are able to find new pharmaceutical forms that allow an easier use”.
- Arturo Licenziati, President & CEO
We are pleased to take you with us on a journey to discover the beginning of IBSA’s history, how the company evolved over the decades and how it intends to continue its path in the years to come. Many are the events, the emotions and the objectives to tell, hence we decided to split our story into two distinct parts: in this news, we will tell you about the years from 1985 to 2000; in the next one we’ll touch on all the events from 2000 to date.