Sustainability & CSR

Let’s have fun with STEAM, a bridge between generations and professions

Over the years, IBSA consolidated its support for Business Professional Women (BPW) Ticino, an association that is part of BPW International and which has, among its objectives, the overcoming of the gender gap and the protection of women’s professional interests. Among the various activities organised by the association is the project Divertiamoci con STEAM (“Let’s have fun with STEAM”), which this year has once again proved to be a major occasion to inspire female teenagers to pursue scientific and technological study subjects with commitment and dedication.

This initiative, now in its second edition, was held on Saturday, April 20 in Lugano (CH) and was dedicated to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) disciplines and Digital Arts. The event was sponsored by the Professional University School of Italian Switzerland (SUPSI, Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana) and had the ambitious objective of helping stimulate the interest of young women in technical-scientific study paths and related professional careers, overcoming the unfortunately still very deep-seated stereotype which sees girls more oriented towards humanistic studies.


STEAM event

The acronym STEM refers to the English terms science, technology, engineering and mathematics, which however in recent years has been enriched by the letter A, representing Art and Digitalisation. The project Divertiamoci con STEAM is intended as a bridge between professionals and young girls which, through mentoring, offers a unique opportunity to discover up close the vast potential offered by these professions, involving girls between 10 and 14 years old.

In concrete terms, participants followed interactive workshops – held by female professionals expert in the scientific and technological fields – on a wide range of topics: from science to technology, from engineering to art through mathematics. Through these practical sessions, the girls had the opportunity to experience how STEM disciplines translate into real and concrete applications.


History tells us that Mentor – Ulysses’ trusted advisor and protector of his son’s Telemachus – during Ulysses’ absence did not replace his parent, but supported the boy, accompanying him along his educational path. Likewise, mentoring – the training methodology – plays a critical role in the orientation and development process of the young girls interested in STEM disciplines. Reputable professionals (mentors) can be positive and inspirational role models, and offer practical and personalised support to guide girls along their educational and professional journey. Young women can benefit from their mentors’ experience, knowledge and advice, thus accelerating their learning and creating meaningful connections between generations.


Committed to supporting organisations that promote individual and community growth, with particular attention to gender equality in scientific professions, IBSA has long chosen to collaborate with BPW Ticino to support equal opportunities, inclusiveness and female empowerment.

Angelica Morrone, Co-President of BPW Ticino, concluded: “The partnership between IBSA and BPW Club Ticino is a model of collaboration meant to inspire. Projecting oneself into the future and predicting the time needed to achieve true gender equality is a complex challenge. However, with the combined efforts of organisations like ours, the private sector, the government and society as a whole, we could optimistically achieve gender equality within the next 15-20 years. We focus on new generations, helping them develop this awareness”.