
Happiness2.0: a journey through adolescence, social media, identity and well-being

In a frenetic world, where every screen tells stories and emotions, and the search for happiness is intertwined with online image management, how do adolescents manage to keep their essence intact and build their identity? The Happiness2.0 project was born precisely to better understand this delicate balance, and to provide young people with the tools necessary to understand and manage their digital well-being.


IBSA Foundation for scientific research – the main promoter of the IBSA Group’s social responsibility activities – has been committed to making knowledge accessible and interdisciplinary for over ten years, breaking down the barriers between science and society. From this perspective, in order to understand the new frontiers of well-being and the long-term impacts of new technologies, it is essential to explore the world of teenagers and social media in detail.

The result of a synergy between IBSA Foundation and the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) and supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Happiness2.0 project is based on the outcomes of the “HappyB” study. This study, conducted during the two-year period 2022-23, analysed the impact of social media on the construction of identity and on the relationships of adolescents in the Canton Ticino, Switzerland. 

In detail, the project Happiness2.0 aims to translate the results of the HappyB study into practical activities and events that combine art and science, aimed at teenagers from local schools between 14 and 18 years of age. The heart of the project is the analysis of the use of social media and their influence on the well-being of adolescents over time, factors that have been monitored taking into consideration some indicators of positive well-being, in particular happiness and development processes, such as personality formation and the need for social connections.


Laura Marciano, director of the Happiness2.0 project

During 2024, the Happiness2.0 project included the HappyLabs, opportunities for debate and reflection: a physical space where emotions came to fruition. 

These workshops took place over two weeks, one in April and the other in September. Twenty high school classes for a total of approximately 400 students participated in 2-hour workshops, delving into these topics and carrying out the following activities: 

  • scientific introduction on the topic of well-being on social media; 
  • practical activity on role of “masks” as a symbol of the difference between fictitious online identity and real identity, and as a means of personal expression, if used consciously; 
  • creation of a “Pyramid of Happiness”, to visually represent the different elements that contribute to our well-being by reflecting on the question What does being happy mean to you?

The director of the Happiness2.0 project, Laura Marciano (Research Associate at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness), followed the workshops together with other experts in the field of psychology and communication, who led the discussions and the activities, giving young people the opportunity to express their relationship with the digital world through art.

HappyApero at University of Italian Switzerland


At the end of each of the two weeks of the HappyLabs, IBSA Foundation organised a public event called HappyApero, to foster communication between adolescents, scientists and adults, including parents and teachers. Each HappyApero included a presentation of the project results by the experts, followed by a debate with the public and the contribute of a special guest, expert in the digital world.


HappyLab 2024

One year after the launch of this project – and given the success of the initiative – IBSA Foundation decided to strengthen its commitment, confirming Happiness2.0 also for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years

The project will continue with the collaboration of USI and a new partnership with Lugano Living Lab, the Urban Lab of the City of Lugano, will be launched.

Happiness2.0 will be enriched by a greater number of HappyLabs, which will also be open to adults, in order to involve parents and educators in an intergenerational discussion. Furthermore, new topics will be introduced, including the impact and reasonable use of Artificial Intelligence in social media.