Trust is what holds up relationships between people. IBSA’s entire advertising and communication system is based on this principle and it works because markets are groups of people operating at the crossroads of supply and demand. Obviously, mutual trust plays a crucial role in this context. For IBSA, this ‘contemporaneity’ started long ago, when its story began, with the idea of positioning itself differently, in a market segment generally thought of as less attractive.
On one side, there was ‘innovation’, which was equated with the production of new pharmaceuticals. On the other, ‘generic’ drugs began making a name for themselves. IBSA chose the middle ground, taking known pharmaceuticals and developing and improving all the aspects that were considered, to some extent, secondary, but had a significant impact on patients. For example, the way the drugs were taken, their taste, or how the active ingredient was administered are all aspects that, along with therapeutic validity, enable a pharmaceutical to genuinely improve someone’s life.